Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Seeds in NYC

Dear Blog Reader,
                This year I am a sophomore at Eastern Kentucky University. Last semester I changed my major to Graphic Communications Management with a minor in Entrepreneurship. I love it so far! Also at school, I am involved in a ministry called Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru). It’s a great organization that has challenged and equipped me to walk closer with God and share my faith boldly. This year, I have had the pleasure of serving the Lord by leading the Outreach Team through Cru. It’s been a joy in my life since we began in August!

                At the beginning of last semester, my Bible study leader Jordan asked me how I was going to use the upcoming summer. She and I both realized the question was a little odd—summer had just gotten over with, but at the same time it was necessary. The rest of the semester I was wrestling with the question. I knew I wanted to use my summer for God’s glory, but I didn’t know exactly how or where that meant. During a winter conference I went to over Christmas break through Crusade, I realized I wanted to go on a summer project. A few days following the conference, I applied to the New York City summer project and a couple weeks later I was accepted!

I will spend 5 weeks of this summer in New York City with other students from campuses around the country. There are over 100 college campuses in New York City and we will be spending our time going to some of them and reaching out to the students. These students come from all over the world with different ethnic, cultural, and religious backgrounds. This is a major benefit of going to NYC. It gives a unique opportunity to reach a student from an unreached or closed nation. That reached student will hopefully bring it back to their home and begin a Christian movement there. You can potentially reach the entire world from one city!

                In order to participate in this summer project, I will need to raise $4100 to cover the costs. To meet this need, I am asking that you partner with me in two different ways. The first way is through prayer and the second is to support me financially. Would you prayerfully consider partnering with me in this ministry in one or both of those ways?

Whatever amount the Lord leads you to is the right amount. All gifts are tax-deductible and checks should be made out to Campus Crusade for Christ. However, if the Lord does not lead you to be part of my support team, I would greatly appreciate prayer as I raise support and while I’m in New York.

Thank you for your consideration in helping me reach people for Christ in New York City this summer. 
God bless!
Stephanie Scrivner
My Bible study leader, Jordan, and me at
our Bible Study Christmas party.

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