Sunday, March 20, 2011

Why New York?

As my last post said, I'm going to be living in New York City for 5 weeks of this summer. I'm so excited! I've never been to the Big Apple before, so it's a little nerve-racking to think about being in such a big city, but it's going to be a great adventure.

I'm going to be going to some different campuses there in NYC to share the Gospel with students. That's also nerve-racking. Even though in America we don't really get physically persecuted for being Christian or trying to help someone see the Light, we still face rejection from loved ones. This really shouldn't slow us down--Christ was rejected. A lot. And He still is. And when I read about martyrs, it makes me realize how blessed I am to live in this country and inspires me to be bolder in my faith. Jesus gave His life so I would be saved from hell and the shackles of sin. The least I could do is devote my life to Him, right?

So that's why I'm going to New York! I want to devote my life to Him and I want to use this summer to go to a place that needs to know Him. I'm in a place in my life where I may never be able to do this again--just take off for 5 weeks in the summer, go to NYC, and proclaim the Gospel to the students there. I don't want to waste another summer.

Throughout the summer, I'll be randomly updating this blog with pictures and videos, lessons I've learned, experiences, etc. So be sure to keep on checking the site!

Here's a great worship song that you should listen to. =]
We Were Made For You - Aaron Gillespie

God Bless,

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