Saturday, June 11, 2011

NYC Tip #1: Don't Turn Right On Red

New York City! It's a completely different place than Richmond, KY. Obviously, it's much much bigger, area and population-wise. You can do crazy things here and no one even thinks about it while in Richmond, you would probably get laughed out of the city. The laws are even different!

One of our first experiences in NYC was getting pulled over by not one, but two police cars. Why? We turned right on a red light. This was such a foreign concept to us and I'll admit it was all my fault. I was telling Ashley (my sister) to go and she was hesitant, but I kept on and so she went and about 5 seconds later, there are sirens. It was hilarious to me, but not so much for her. It was the first time she had ever gotten pulled over. It takes a special person to get pulled over in New York City, Home of the Worst Drivers Ever. ; ) She was a good sport though, and the policemen were as well. No warnings, tickets, or "summons" as they called them.

Monday and Tuesday were days filled with sightseeing, good eats, and ballet. It was really cool to see everything "in real life" opposed to on a screen. The only advantage to seeing it on a screen is your feet and legs won't hurt from walking. In those two days, we walked nearly 13 miles. It was insane. I'm keeping a pedometer on me for the whole summer to see how far I walk. Expect updates! (So far, I'm at 69,483 steps and 24.04 miles.)

Wednesday is when the project began. My roommates are great! It's going to make living here for five weeks a cake walk. Everyone else is great too, including staff! We're going to have a wonderful summer together.

Since then, we went on a photo scavenger hunt around the city to get acquainted with it, took a bus tour, had Crumbs cupcakes, and had training on our different evangelism tools. Monday is when we go out to the campuses and start planting (big) apple seeds! I'm pumped. There are so many lost people here. It's given me a good view of how in need the world as a whole is. I'm really excited to see how the Lord works in the city this summer.

Thank you for any and all support through finances and/or prayer! I really appreciate it.

1 comment:

  1. love you, even though you did get me pulled over.... ;) we're proud of you and can't wait to see how God will be using you all this summer!
