Tuesday, June 14, 2011

New York University

Yesterday was our first day on campus! It was a great day weather-wise as well as being able to talk to people.

Our project covered four different campuses: Queens College, Brooklyn College, City College, and my group went to New York University. NYU already has a Campus Crusade, which will be great for students that we will be talking to this summer. We can direct them to an organization that we know is solid and will give them a place they can feel comfortable and grow in their faith.

Yesterday, our ministry objective was to "decode" our respective campuses. We had questionnaires to fill out, asking questions about the campus. We did this get to know the campus--where the hangout spots are, what the spiritual climate is like, etc. Ministry is going to be somewhat difficult at NYU because you can't physically get into the buildings without a student/faculty i.d. card. You can't even use the restroom at the on campus Starbucks without an i.d. card. I have complete faith in God that He will provide us a good place for great opportunities though!

In talking to these people yesterday, it gave me a good perspective about how many lost people there are on the campus and a small dose of how many there are in the city. The students that we talked to said they think most students on NYU's campus are open to talking about spiritual things. Going deeper though, it seemed that the general student population was already set in their religious beliefs and were mostly just open to having an intellectual conversation about these things where ideas were exchanged, but nothing more was done.

Honestly, it was somewhat disheartening. One girl told us that people didn't want to step on anyone else's toes. She also told us that there was a Muslim Center and Jewish Center on campus, but couldn't tell us for sure if there was a Christian center. Even though it is disheartening to hear these things, it's exciting to be working for the advancement of the Gospel here. We could share the Gospel with a future president, business tycoon, pop star, or any sort of positions that could have a huge influence on people.

Today, we went back to NYU to use one of our evangelism tools called Soularium. This is a survey asking five questions that the person answers using one of the fifty 4 x 6 photographs in front of them. The survey is geared to help you get into spiritual conversations with anyone ranging from strangers to your closest friends. It's a great tool that my roommate Katie and I got to use with several people today.

We asked one girl if she had time and wanted to take our picture survey and she said yes! We went through the survey and found out that she had really been turned off by the church, I think largely due to legalism. We asked her what her spiritual life was like and she said she was just searching for truth. Little did she know, we had The Truth. Through that confession, we were able to share the Gospel with her. She didn't accept it, but I think she is very close. I'm praying that we will see her again and be able to talk to her for a longer amount of time! My hope is that you will pray for her as well. That she will find and accept The Truth.

I'm looking forward to watching and being a part of what God is going to do in New York City the next 4 1/2 weeks!

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